Understanding of the Cause of Health Risk Exposure to the Presence Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) |
We have provided very effective solutions to minimize and in many cases completely eliminate exposures to EMR RF EMI and other related exposure in many cases where all others have overlooked or did not fully understand the nature of the electro-magnetic presence and the many various iterations of the associated phenomena involved failing to identify the CAUSE OF RF RISKS or provide any acceptable solutions. We have been to human habitations including homes and workplaces wherein the occupants attempted to mitigate EMF presence and in fact amplified the exposure risk and introduced other related risks or developed a false sense of security using a Faraday Cage concept system that offers little to no protection. It is ill advised to attempt mitigation on your own until a full competent survey is conducted by a certified, licensed and experienced specialist for these studies. Caution: Improper mitigation. Attempts to minimize the presence on your own can unknowingly increase ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INTERFERENCE (EMI) the exposure risk and danger. BEFORE ANY MITIGATION ATTEMPTS THE CAUSE MUST BE FULLY UNDERSTOOD For any EMF EMR EMI RF mitigation planning a full consultation for a plan for efficacy and safety analysis requires a full on-site survey. Post remedy assessment must be performed to determine if any questionable areas remain or if in fact new conditions are created in some cases adding new complications. EXPOSURE REDUCTION REMOVAL AND MITIGATION TO ELECTRON RELATED QUANTA FIELDS Mitigation: We are solution oriented and know how to and often can in many cases eliminate, minimize, remove or reduce the exposure to presence of many of the electron phenomena present. Legal recourse: In addition our extensive practical experience will be shared how to best proceed for your specific findings and this will include many possible legal options as we have provided effective guidance to both plaintiffs and defendants. SPECTRAL ANALYTICAL SCIENCES™ is your best and should be your only choice for any high order (substantial pecuniary, health, technical and legal) matters. (Outside our regional areas call for phone consultations relating to technical, medical and legal questions - consultation fees apply.) MAINTIANING YOR PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY Many amateur and do-it-yourselfers are obtaining false negatives and false positives and creating serious complications for themselves and others. Here is important advice: Obtain confidential competent investigations: It is not in your interest to publicly (potentially devaluing your property) discuss related concerns until you obtain a full assessment and understanding of the presence of EMF EMR phenomena.. For all concerns when and where they exist you will be given highly experienced practical guidance. We can answer all relevant questions from the technical to the clinical exposure risks including related practical, theoretical and applied sciences. We assess the presence of smart meters, HV, RF, cellular systems and many other highly complex and highly relative related EMF phenomena completely ignored and misunderstood by even the best of electronic of electrical engineers. Experienced since 1972 with full clinical medical integrations associated with such exposures. COPYRIGHT 1999-2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED COPY OR LINKING TO THIS PAGE OR WEBSITE IS PROHIBITED |