Obtain a confidential Independent integrated EXPERT'S report for health risk presence of HV-EMF-EMR and non-ionizing Radiation |
In 2011 a major international Delaware company called us after an employee alerted the company of high EMF readings on his own purchased and brought to work meter. Unfortunately the person used the instrument wrongfully, misinterpreted the readings alarmed the employees and was dismissed from the workplace for doing so. We were called to address the concerns of their human resources department. Upon our completion of a confidential investigation we discovered that in fact there was a exposure risk but it was not the one the terminated employee believed to have existed nor in the area of their detection. It is best not to do your own testing and if you must do so, do so discretely and quietly. See our EMF CASE JOURNAL of select cases. Do not risk your career or make your life unnecessarily complicated. For any workplace concerns executive management may contact us in confidence. We have provided over 25 years of service and discrete consultation to Fortune 500 companies. For consultaitons call for a free intial interview. In-depth expanded confidential consultations at half hour rates. QUESTIONABLE EMR INSPECTION OF YOUR PROPERTY AND SECOND OPINIONS We routinely rehabiliTate properties that have been inspected by a buyer's inexperienced CONSULTANT that was UNQUALIFIED, and INEXPERIENCED to perform EMF risk assessments and investigations relating to the presence of the EMF phenomena. Common inspectors/consultants have no ability to perform any risk assessment. If you are a home owner/seller and have had your home stigmatized or defamed by a questionable inspector or report obtain one of our initial phone consultations and we will provide you guidance relating to your survey to determine the validity of a suspect unqualified survey and to determine if you may benefit from rebuttal investigations, study and report. BUYER - EXPERIENCED UNBIASED GUIDANCE It is about your health. If there is a potential presence of EMF exposure risk it is highly advisable to have such areas quietly and confidentially investigated by fully certified and clinically integrated specialists even before your general home inspection. General home inspectors have no business doing EMF investigations due to the conflict of interest and complete lack of experience and any lawful qualifications. A concerned EMF finding will eliminate the need for the much more costly general home inspection. The new millennium educated and knowledgeable buyers that are now aware of the possible risks of exposure when there is a question relating to exposure in an anticipated rental or purchase must have a survey performed before any offer. We routinely have inquires the majority of such clients being interestingly medical doctors and most often pediatricians and oncologists. Should we believe that this's tell us all something? Our surveys are highly integrated and clinically differentiated-we understand very well how this presence affects humans. RISK MITIGATION ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING We also digest the highly complex answers to exposure and possibilities for mitigation planning. This also includes some of the more relevant legal issues where applicable and clinical exposure considerations as part of any possible action plan. Caution: Improper mitigation, that is attempts to minimize the presence can unknowingly increase the exposure risk and danger. IMPORTANT HEALTH EFFECTS FROM EMF/EMR Experiencing loss of joy or depression in an area where you suspect electromagnetic radiation such as at home or at work? You may be experiencing EMD. See: Depression from or due to Electromagnetic Dysthymia INDOOR AND OUTDOOR INVESTIGATIONS/SURVEYS What you don’t know may hurt you. Indoor and outdoor investigations are completely different and must be studied as such knowing so with varying exposure risks. Determine if safe distances exist between you and powerful electronic fields both from outdoor and indoor sources by our certified and licensed HV EMF EMR analysts and technicians trained to identify, locate hidden and potentially dangerous sources of electromagnetic radioactive fields. Our professionally certified RF technologists (RCA Institute) and scientists are fully experienced with a high level of clinical/medical integrations in this highly specialized area and will provide a related report of findings. NOTE: these investigation are critically important when it comes to children, those with diseases - especially with the cancers and for those with any electronic or other medical device implants/prostheses included. Know Haematopoiesis - BLOOD cells are made in the bone marrow and them become many different immune cells and play an important role in DNA production via activation of transcription factors. Cells may become mutated when exposed to at risk levels of EMF/EMR and more so when and with specific human host exposure risk factors being present. Children's bone is very soft and permeable to EMR quanta and resulting DNA alteration that manifests (the effects of mutation appear later) months and years from exposure and the everyone asks "...how did this come to be?". See children myeloid leukemia. NOTE: HIGH DANGER MAY BE PRESENT Painless and severe injury, blindness and possible death (RF injury of heart or brain or electronic medical device failure) may occur within minutes under some circumstances. Injury from exposure and illness may not be experienced or noted for hours or days the later being exposure/dose dependent (ask us-our medical experts will tell you how). Do not go near or touch any ANTENNA or on any ROOF that may have such. Even if you ar 50 feet or more away from some antennas you may be painlessly injured or worse. We have identified fields from 20 to 40 times the normal range and up to 10 times the known and accepted danger levels that were later confirmed and verified by third parties. The fact is very little of this information is published in an meaningful way and when it is published one must clear the fog of the technical language, understand the applied quanta electro-mechanics and the highly differentiated health risk potential and effects. Our scientists and experts are certified, licensed, experienced and fully understand every aspect of the EMF phenomena and their related health affects. CAUTION LINK: DO NOT ATTEMPT YOUR OWN TESTING
Exposure to HV EMF/EMR and other fields is well understood (See United Nations WHO page). Our scientists will scientifically test, sample, measure and provide a competent (30+ years experience) report with findings and risk assessment. Research has repeatedly shown higher incidences of Leukemia Cancers ( PDF download) in both children and adults, blood disorders, affecting reproduction and the central nervous system, human cell division and the immune system.
Commercial Professional Scientific Investigations and Inspections for HV EMF & EMR at WORK We often investigate the workplace including medical office, technical processing, computer systems, and manufacturing facilities for radiation and especially heat radiation from possible overloaded high voltage or overdrawn electrical wiring with infrared technologies. See our commercial page here. |
Highly Differentiated Clinically Integrated Investigations Studies Reports and Guidance
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